Thursday, May 21, 2020

GLORIA LYNNE - Starry Eyes : The Collection (1998) Mp3

Billy Paul was obviously a big fan of Gloria Lynne; you can hear Lynne's phrasing and vocal inflections in the singer's '70s recordings. And what a singer to pattern yourself after. Lynne's creamy alto is luscious and soothing; play one of her albums at the first sign of a headache and "the voice" might cure your pain without aspirin or Tylenol. Whether singing to soft guitar strums on "Blue Afternoon," bodacious brass on "Some of These Says," or in cozy clubs as she does on two live cuts -- "Somewhere in the Night" and "For You" -- Lynne's calming vocals and meticulous phrasing are awesome. An album for lovers, when love is new. by Andrew Hamilton

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